Application Topology

Topology is the arrangement of various elements (Tier, server, and instance) of an application. You can view the NetStorm topology (hierarchy of Tier, Server, and Instance) and only admin users can perform certain operations, such as add, delete, and update a topology. To do this, login as the admin user, and go to Configurations > Application Topology as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Selecting Application Topology

This page is divided into two sections – left and right. On the left section, topology is displayed in a hierarchical view of Tier, server, and instances. On the right pane, details of tier, server, and instance are displayed as per the selection as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Topology Management Window

Admin user can perform the following operation in topology:

Add Topology

To add a topology, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Go to Topology on the left pane, right-click on the topology and click the Add Topology option as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Add Topology

2. The Topology Configuration section is displayed in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Topology Configuration Window

3. Specify the Topology name and click the Add button. The topology gets added and displayed in the topology list shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Topology Management Window

Tier (Cavisson) is added successfully in Topology (NS_Topology).

Server (NSAppliance) is added successfully in Tier (Cavisson) of Topology (NS_Topology).

You can edit the server configuration details and save them by clicking the Update button.


Delete All Topology

  1. To delete all topology, go to the Topology section on the left pane, right-click on the topology, and click the Delete All Topology option as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Delete All Topology

2. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to confirm the deletion as shown in Figure 11.

Add Tier

  1. To add a tier, right-click on the topology and click the Add Tier option as in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Add Tier

3. The Tier Configuration window is displayed. Enter the tier name, its description, and depth as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Tier Configuration Window

3. Click Add to add the tier. The tier gets added. To update the tier information, edit the details, and click the Update.

Delete All Tier

  1. To delete all tiers, right-click the topology, and click the Delete All Tier option as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14: Delete All Tier
  1. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Figure 15: Confirmation Dialog Box

Delete Topology

  1. To delete a topology, right-click the topology, and click the Delete Topology option as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Delete Topology

2. A confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Figure 17: Confirmation Dialog Box

Copy Topology

  1. To copy a topology, right-click the topology, and click the Copy Topology option as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18: Copy Topology

2. The Copy Topology section is displayed. Specify where to copy the topology, and click the Copy button as in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Copy Topology Dialog Box

3. The topology gets copied and displayed in the list of topologies on the left pane.

ReName Topology

  1. To rename a topology, right-click on the topology, and click the ReName Topology option as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20: Rename Topology

2. The topology name is displayed in editable mode as in Figure 21. Rename the topology name from there.

Figure 21: Rename Topology Selection

Add Server

To add a server, follow the below steps.

  • Right-click on a tier, and click the Add Server option as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22: Add Server Option
  • The Server Configuration section is displayed as shown in Figure 23. Specify the following details and click the Add button:
Figure 23: Server Configuration
  • Server Properties: Enter the server name and server display name.
  • CMON Properties: Specify the CMON installation status. Test and populate if installed. Specify the CMON home path, server OS type, and Java home path.
  • Advanced Properties: Specify SSH enable status. If enabled, specify username and password.

Once all the fields are filled, click the  icon to add the server.

Delete All Server

  1. To delete all servers, right-click on a tier, and click the Delete All Server option as shown in Figure 24.
Figure 24: Delete All Server Option

2. A confirmation message is displayed, click OK to delete the servers.

Figure 25: Delete Server Confirmation Message

Delete Tier

  1. To delete a tier, right-click on a tier, and click the Delete Tier option as shown in Figure 26.
Figure 26: Delete Tier

2. A confirmation message is displayed, click OK to confirm the deletion.

Figure 27: Confirmation Dialog Box

Add Instance

  1. You can add an instance to a server. To do this, right-click on the server and click the Add Instance option as shown in Figure 28.
Figure 28: Add Instance

2. The Instance Configuration section is displayed as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Instance Configuration Window

Specify the following details in the instance configuration section and click the Add button.

  • Instance Property: Provide instance name, its display name, description, and Used by(Cmon or BCI or both).
  • Java Property: Select the instance type. In the case of instance type as Java, select the JVM type, Java version, and GC log file path. You can specify the search pattern and can run commands to get processes based on a given search pattern. You can also add/remove the search boxes.
  • JMX Property: It is enabled only in case of instance type as Java. Specify the JMX port, user name, password, and connector URL.
  • Application Property: Specify the discovery time, last connected time, last disconnected time and status(Active/inactive).

Add DB Instance

  1. You can add a database instance to a server. To do this, right-click on the server and click the Add DB Instance option as shown in Figure 30.
Figure 30: Add DB Instance

2. The DB Instance Configuration section is displayed as shown in Figure 31:

Figure 31: DB Instance Configuration Window

Note: The sub-sections displayed under the DB Instance Configuration section are similar to the sections displayed under the Instance Configuration section. Post specifying the details, click the Add button.

Delete All DB Instance

This section is used to delete all DB instances of a server. To perform this operation, use similar steps as used to delete all tiers/servers.

Figure 32: Confirmation Dialog Box

Delete All Instance

This section is used to delete all instances of a server. To perform this operation, use similar steps as used to delete all tier/server/DB instances.

Figure 33: Confirmation Dialog Box

Delete All Server

This section is used to delete all servers of a tier. To perform this operation, use similar steps as used to delete a tier.

Figure 34: Confirmation Dialog Box